Friday, March 16, 2007

The War Against Lawfulness, Bringing out the big guns - Lou Dobbs Video

The tiny hamlet of Hazelton is under heavy fire from a battalion comprised of two powerful law firms, the ACLU, the PA ACLU, Puerto Rican Legal Defense Fund (I think that's their whole name), US Chamber of Commerce, the Catholic Church and others.
These groups have abandoned American principle of lawfulness and the Jeffersonian crede: Just laws for all - special privilages for none.
Maybe these groups should cut to the heart of the problem and go to Mexico and lobby for entitlements - uh, I mean 'rights' - down there.
CNN Lou Dobbs
An army of attorneys descending on Capitol Hill today. They were there to pressure lawmakers to pass so-called comprehensive immigration reform, or as the president now calls it "migration reform." Six to seven on a team visited at least two senators. The American Immigration Lawyers Association representing 10,000 attorneys spent $130,000 on lobbying last year. But that effort is being bolstered by the even deeper pockets of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which last year spent $72 million on federal lobbying, up from $40 million in 2005. And a new group has assembled with a single goal of convincing lawmakers to pass an immigration bill -- the Coalition for Comprehensive Immigration Reform. That group boasts of a $4 million war chest. But the votes in Congress may not be there. More than two months into the new term, and no legislation has been introduced. Rosemary Jenks of NumbersUSA said: "The delays tell us that they're having problems getting a coalition of members together. I think the president is having problems getting Republicans to get anything passed." Those pushing for amnesty have money and lobbying guns on their side. But those who support enforcement say they have something else. John Keely of the Center for Immigration Studies said: "We know the president wants this legislation. We know the leadership in the House and Senate want it. There's only one constituency that doesn't want that this legislation -- the American people."
CNN Lou Dobbs
In day four of the trial against Hazleton, Pennsylvania, Mayor Lou Barletta told the courtroom about the rising crime in his small town, pointing out that he's seen a rise in gang violence from the Three Notarios, Latin Kings and MS-13, which he said was very upsetting in his city. And he talked about a crime rate that he has seen explode. From 2003 to 2006, violent crime he says rose 60 percent. In that, he points right squarely at the foot of immigration. The ACLU disagreed. Barletta said: "Illegal aliens being arrested in the city of Hazleton have gone up 300 percent in the last two years. Thirty percent of our drug arrests in the last two years were illegal aliens. If that's enough, I don't know what is. I don't know what point you have to say that I'm going to defend the people in my community."


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