Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Public Enemy Number 2: Chertoff is Dedicated to the Elimination of the U.S.

Chertoff favors amnesty and erasure of the borders of the United States
Lou Dobbs Tonight -- CNN -- March 26
Tucker: Now, papers obtained by the conservative group Judicial Watch under the Freedom of Information Act from the Department of Homeland Security show that many of our security policies, in fact, perhaps have already been coopted. In fact, it quotes Michael Chertoff in memos internally telling the department to align itself with the priorities and the values of SPP when it comes to security- related matters regarding Canada and Mexico.
So, Kitty, clearly, this policy is pushing ahead and has huge momentum all on its own, and it's being ignored out in the states for the most part.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007 -- 11:40 AM
Fox23-TV -- Tulsa
A car crash leaves a 2- year- old in critical condition and Tulsa police say an illegal [alien... criminal] hit the car the child was in. -- Officers arrested him following that Saturday crash for DUI and other traffic charges, but he's now free on bond. -- Police tell FOX23, they did all they could to keep him in jail....
Arizona Republic
Advocates for tougher border enforcement filed two proposed ballot measures in Arizona that would make it a state crime to knowingly hire those who sneak in the country and criminalize the presence of illegal immigrants in the state. -- Leaders of the effort said Monday that they were trying to put the proposals on the 2008 ballot...
Nashville City Paper
Late last year, Metro Police arrested a Nashville Hispanic male after Youth Services detectives were called to Centennial Pediatric Hospital, where doctors just told his 13- year- old stepdaughter that she was pregnant. -- According to police, when asked who the father was, the girl said it had to be her stepfather. [More family values]
McClatchy Newspapers
Throughout his rise from a rookie prosecutor's job in Houston to a position as a U.S. attorney pursuing criminals across much of Texas, Johnny Sutton said, he was bound by an unwavering ethic: Do the right thing and follow the facts, even when they lead to "unhappy places" such as errant public servants...
Tom Fitton -- American Daily
Two former Border Patrol agents will spend more than a decade in prison based in part on the testimony of an alleged Mexican drug smuggler, Osbaldo Aldrete- Davila, who was given immunity by the U.S. government for his testimony. Did the Mexican government try to pressure the U.S. to prosecute the two agents?


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