North American Union: Utah Gets It! Urges US to Withdraw
"Initially many of my colleagues didn't believe it was real, but with the facts they began to realize that it not only is real but that we are following the same pattern as the European Union." - Representative Steven Sandstrom
Utah Citizens Win in House
By Ann Turner
Published: 2007-03-06 15:56
The Utah House of Representatives on February 6 passed a resolution urging U.S. withdrawal from the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) of North America by a lopsided vote of 47 to 24. The resolution became bottled up on the Senate side, however, and never made it to the Senate floor prior to the legislature adjourning on February 28.
This resolution was introduced in the House by Representative Steven Sandstrom. In an interview with The New American, Rep. Sandstrom was asked how he learned about the SPP, the planned NAFTA Superhighway, and other activities intended to create a North American Union. He responded, "It was members of the John Birch Society in my district who made me aware of this issue. Then I did my own research and found a lot of information outside the JBS material and realized that it was real and what a growing problem this was."
When asked what factors contributed most to passage of the resolution, he reflected, "The thing that has helped the most was the educating of other legislators with the facts. Initially many of my colleagues didn't believe it was real, but with the facts they began to realize that it not only is real but that we are following the same pattern as the European Union. The promoters of an EU-style North American Union in this country began with NAFTA and then CAFTA, then they tried to get the FTAA passed and when that didn't work, they have now proposed the SPP, mirroring the process of the EU."
When asked what the greatest opposition to passage of the resolution was, he said, "First of all it was a lack of understanding, people thinking this was no big thing or that it was some sort of conspiracy theory, that was my greatest obstacle." Rep. Sandstrom sees the passage of this resolution as the beginning of a groundswell that will spread across the nation. He enthused, "I have been contacted by legislators from across the nation who have wanted to do this same thing in their states. I have heard from Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Wyoming, and other states wanting to do this same thing. Washington will have to listen, and this is the only way to defeat the SPP — through movements like this across the nation, through education. No one would accept this if they knew what it was, another European-type Union for the Americas."
By Ann Turner
Published: 2007-03-06 15:56
The Utah House of Representatives on February 6 passed a resolution urging U.S. withdrawal from the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) of North America by a lopsided vote of 47 to 24. The resolution became bottled up on the Senate side, however, and never made it to the Senate floor prior to the legislature adjourning on February 28.

This resolution was introduced in the House by Representative Steven Sandstrom. In an interview with The New American, Rep. Sandstrom was asked how he learned about the SPP, the planned NAFTA Superhighway, and other activities intended to create a North American Union. He responded, "It was members of the John Birch Society in my district who made me aware of this issue. Then I did my own research and found a lot of information outside the JBS material and realized that it was real and what a growing problem this was."
When asked what factors contributed most to passage of the resolution, he reflected, "The thing that has helped the most was the educating of other legislators with the facts. Initially many of my colleagues didn't believe it was real, but with the facts they began to realize that it not only is real but that we are following the same pattern as the European Union. The promoters of an EU-style North American Union in this country began with NAFTA and then CAFTA, then they tried to get the FTAA passed and when that didn't work, they have now proposed the SPP, mirroring the process of the EU."
When asked what the greatest opposition to passage of the resolution was, he said, "First of all it was a lack of understanding, people thinking this was no big thing or that it was some sort of conspiracy theory, that was my greatest obstacle." Rep. Sandstrom sees the passage of this resolution as the beginning of a groundswell that will spread across the nation. He enthused, "I have been contacted by legislators from across the nation who have wanted to do this same thing in their states. I have heard from Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Wyoming, and other states wanting to do this same thing. Washington will have to listen, and this is the only way to defeat the SPP — through movements like this across the nation, through education. No one would accept this if they knew what it was, another European-type Union for the Americas."
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