Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Just one documentary and article on the "Global Warming" scam with a lot of resources and good info...

For a long time now mainstream media (MSM) has created the impression that "all the world's leading scientists" agree that increasing levels of CO2 in the atmosphere is a major contributor to global warming. The above mentioned C4 documentary gives the lie to this claim. They do this simply by interviewing a number of prominent scientists and authors who think CO2 has little or nothing to do with the rising temperatures that we have indeed been witnessing since 1970 or so.
. . .
The UK Channel 4 documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle was written and directed by Martin Durkin. He answers his critics in the article The global-warmers were bound to attack, but why are they so feeble?, published in The Telegraph. Again, we encourage our readers to watch this documentary, which is available from Google.
Full length documentary here:


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