Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The World's Champion Villain

By Randall Hoven February 20, 2007
In a recent poll, a majority ofEuropeans think that America is now "a threat to world peace" and see"George Bush as a greater danger to world peace than either the NorthKorean leader, Kim Jong-Il, or the Iranian president, MahmoudAhmadinejad."
I'm sure many in the U.S. believe the same.
There seems to be anotion that the world's natural state is one of peace, if only the U.S. hegemon would take a chill pill.
As they used to say: time for a reality check.
First of all, the United States wasn't even around through most of history, when peoples were annihilating each other in virtually continual warfare - from the extinction of the Neanderthals throughGenghis Khan. But we don't have to go that far back in history; thelast century is rife with examples of violence in the world.
One way to get a handle on "evil" in the world is to examine genocides.
The list below is a complete listing of all alleged genocides since 1915, according to Wikipedia...


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