Wednesday, January 24, 2007

It's the Caliphate, stupid... part 4... Insideous

I would like to introduce you to to this unique site:
Here is a sample of what they are putting out out there in the name of fighting Islamofascism:
"Islamist Watch"
A Project of the Middle East Forum
Summary: Launched April 21, 2006, Islamist Watch combats the ideas and institutions of nonviolent, radical Islam in the United States and other Western countries. It exposes the far-reaching goals of Islamists, works to reduce their power, and seeks to strengthen moderate Muslims.
Introduction: The Threat of Lawful Islamism
Islamists ultimately seek hegemonic control via a worldwide
caliphate that applies the Islamic law in full. Afghanistan under the Taliban offers one model of what they would establish globally.
Terrorism is one method to advance these projects but it is not the only one. Indeed, the activities of nonviolent Islamists arguably will prove a more effective tactic in the long term. For while the public intuitively understands the threat of terrorism and is mobilized by it, and while states have well-developed institutions (law enforcement, intelligence agencies, the military, the justice system) to protect and fight against it, the activities of nonviolent extremists are not alarming and institutions do not exist to deal with this problem. And how can terrorists impose their will on whole societies?
The Progress of Lawful Islamism
Quietly, lawfully, peacefully, Islamists do their work throughout the West to
impose aspects of Islamic law, win special privileges for themselves, shut down criticism of Islam, create Muslim-only zones, and deprive women and non-Muslims of their full civil rights.
Lawful Islamists advance their cause through lobbying politicians, intimidating the media, threatening international boycotts, making predatory use of the legal system, advancing novel legislation, influencing the contents of school textbooks, and in other ways exploiting the freedoms of an open society. They advance their agenda in incremental steps, each of which in itself is minor but in the aggregate point to fundamental changes in society. Here is a sampling of such steps taken by non-Muslims to accommodate Islamists:
Sell land at discount prices for building mosques or other Islamic institutions.
Ban Hindus and Jews from a jury hearing a criminal case against an Islamist in Great Britain.
Allow a prisoner the unheard-of right to
avoid strip-searches in New York State.
Let students in public (i.e., taxpayer-funded) schools use empty
classrooms for prayers in New Jersey.
public schools and public airwaves to be used to convert non-Muslims.
polygamous marriages for tax purposes in the United Kingdom.
Set aside
women-only bathing at a municipal swimming pool in France or use taxpayer funds for Muslim women-only swimming times in Washington State.
Arrange for
women-only classes at a taxpayer-supported university.
Blame women for being the victims of
rape by Muslim men in Norway.
Develop a special
hijab for female Muslim employees of a leading home furnishing company, sporting the corporate logo.
Ban the use of
piggybanks—the symbol of frugality—in their advertising by two major British banks.
panels, councils, or advisory boards uniquely for Muslims.
Authorize Muslim-only
neighborhoods or events.
Apply the "
Rushdie rules" – accepting Islamist intimidation and silencing critics of Islam.
Punish anti-Islamic views through the application of criminal charges, as has occurred to critics of Islam in
Australia and Canada.
Prohibit families from
sending pork or pork by-products or "Any matter containing religious materials contrary to Islamic faith" to U.S. military personnel serving in the Middle East.
Require that female American soldiers in Saudi Arabia
wear U.S. government-issued abayas.
Perhaps most alarming is how the Islamists currently dominate the Muslim political scene in every Western society, without exception. They control the mosques, publish the weeklies, host the Internet sites, run the schools, write the op-eds, appear on talk shows, engage in ecumenical activities, and enjoy access to politicians.


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