Moderate+Islam = Oxy+Moron. Just a few reason why I feel under no obligation whatsoever to trust or respect Islam. Ever.
"Its high time some mediocre minds encountered violent opposition from great spirits." - jillosophy
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Jihad du Jour (Latest News of the Day)
Iran Ordered to Pay $254 Million in Khobar Towers Attack...
Swine Flies in Iran...
Man Nearly Executed for Entering Saudi City...
al-Qaeda to Democrats: 'You're Welcome'...
UK: Qur'an Recited in Cathedral to Largely Muslim Audience...
Israel Builds Muslim Prayer Room at Airport...
Female Buddhist Teacher Gunned Down by Islamic Radicals
Drunken 'Talaq' Comes Back to Haunt Husband...
British Officials: 'Miracle' if No Terror Attack over Christmas...
Islamic Terror's War on You
Militants Attack a Convoy in Pakistan...
Syria Building 'Death Trap" Villages for War with Israel...
India: Two Civilians Killed in Mujahideen Attack...
Beslan Massacre Originally Planned as Religion of Peace Suicide Attack...
Indonesia Overturns Sentence of Pro-Jihad Cleric...
Islamists Burn Schools, Kill More Buddhists in Thailand...
Full List of Islamic Terror Attacks...
Jihad du Jour (Latest News of the Day)
Iran Ordered to Pay $254 Million in Khobar Towers Attack...
Swine Flies in Iran...
Man Nearly Executed for Entering Saudi City...
al-Qaeda to Democrats: 'You're Welcome'...
UK: Qur'an Recited in Cathedral to Largely Muslim Audience...
Israel Builds Muslim Prayer Room at Airport...
Female Buddhist Teacher Gunned Down by Islamic Radicals
Drunken 'Talaq' Comes Back to Haunt Husband...
British Officials: 'Miracle' if No Terror Attack over Christmas...
Islamic Terror's War on You
Militants Attack a Convoy in Pakistan...
Syria Building 'Death Trap" Villages for War with Israel...
India: Two Civilians Killed in Mujahideen Attack...
Beslan Massacre Originally Planned as Religion of Peace Suicide Attack...
Indonesia Overturns Sentence of Pro-Jihad Cleric...
Islamists Burn Schools, Kill More Buddhists in Thailand...
Full List of Islamic Terror Attacks...
Articles & Commentary
The Murder of Sukhanand Shetty (News Today)A young Hindu leader is literally chopped into pieces by a gang of Muslims, but even the local media virtually ignores the crime.
Happy Hajj! (You're Not Invited) (FrontPage Magazine)Muslims can travel to Rome and Jerusalem, but don't expect them to return the favor. Bigotry is deeply ingrained within the Religion of Peace.
The Holocaust and Ahmadinejad's Fantasy Universe (American Thinker)Western conspiracy nuts have nothing on the Arab world.
Damn, It Feels Good to be a Gangsta' (TROP - rival gangs in a turf war, drive-by shootings, women's bodies being used in gratuitous fashion, suitcases full of big money, and a trash-talking prime minister… Welcome to Gaza.
Kidnapped in Egypt (Kidnapped Christian Girls)When Ahmed Bedier starts denouncing the kidnapping and forced conversion of Christian girls in his native country then we may actually consider taking this "hate crimes expert" seriously.
(Video) "Open Season" (Stuck Mojo)Got a little headbanger in you? This is what Chuck D. would sound like... if he had a clue... (and Flava Flav could crank riffs).
The Muslim Council of Britain (Family Security Matters)How can they be a fifth column when they operate so openly to undermine their host?
Playing the 'Jesus Card' (Jihad Watch)'Which countries would Jesus destroy?' asks Ahmadinejad. Not surprisingly, he has one in mind. (So do we, but we're positive he wouldn't like our choice).
The Murder of Sukhanand Shetty (News Today)A young Hindu leader is literally chopped into pieces by a gang of Muslims, but even the local media virtually ignores the crime.
Happy Hajj! (You're Not Invited) (FrontPage Magazine)Muslims can travel to Rome and Jerusalem, but don't expect them to return the favor. Bigotry is deeply ingrained within the Religion of Peace.
The Holocaust and Ahmadinejad's Fantasy Universe (American Thinker)Western conspiracy nuts have nothing on the Arab world.
Damn, It Feels Good to be a Gangsta' (TROP - rival gangs in a turf war, drive-by shootings, women's bodies being used in gratuitous fashion, suitcases full of big money, and a trash-talking prime minister… Welcome to Gaza.
Kidnapped in Egypt (Kidnapped Christian Girls)When Ahmed Bedier starts denouncing the kidnapping and forced conversion of Christian girls in his native country then we may actually consider taking this "hate crimes expert" seriously.
(Video) "Open Season" (Stuck Mojo)Got a little headbanger in you? This is what Chuck D. would sound like... if he had a clue... (and Flava Flav could crank riffs).
The Muslim Council of Britain (Family Security Matters)How can they be a fifth column when they operate so openly to undermine their host?
Playing the 'Jesus Card' (Jihad Watch)'Which countries would Jesus destroy?' asks Ahmadinejad. Not surprisingly, he has one in mind. (So do we, but we're positive he wouldn't like our choice).
Right, So the Christians are trying to demonise Islam yet again.
These wonderful christians that pray to the prophet Jesus, not the head honcho.
These same christians that killed more Jews than all of the rest of the religions put together,. (Yes, the Nazi's were christians).
These same christians that killed Jews and Muslims in Spain in the infamous "Spanish Inquisition".
These same christians that raped North America and ethnicly cleansed it of these "savages" and broke every single agreement they made with the native Americans. Just like Darfur, and you have the temerity of claiming the president of Sudan is a "war criminal", don't make me laugh.
These same christians also raped South America and forcefully converted them to christanity. Die ir become christian! That was very christan of the Spanish. (Them again)
The Aborigine's in Australia were not even given the status of "human", so that these christans could claim that the land did not belong to anybody already living there. Wonderfuly creative these christans.
Let's not get onto South Africa or any of the rest of that continent.
I could go on......
Oh yes, and how many slaves did the christans kill?
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