Ahhh. Let's get serious about this global-village-richness-of-diversity-thing. After all, we're all the same deep down. Aren't we?
A noble, yet humble, member of the ever-tolerant Cult O' Peace beams and asks, as a proud father, the age-old question: What is there for a man to do but to sacrifice his son for his religion?
Backflash: Not long ago, Lebanon had one last chance to be saved.
Now, Lebanon is in the clutches of a "few" "disenfranchised", "fringe" "radicals".
Death Cult. System of government. Doctrine of law. Political Movement. Not a religion.
"First saturday, then sunday" (first we kill the Jews, then we take care of the Christians)
Since the uprising of the second intifada Pierre Rehov directed six major documentaries. Here you can view the trailors for two of them:
Holy Land: Christians In Peril
Holy Land: Christians In Peril
Why is Bethlehem no longer a Christian town?
How Christians survive under Muslim laws.
Hostages of Hatred
Why are most Palestinians still considered as refugees after 55 years? Why are they still living in camps? Who is responsible for that humanitarian disaster?
To Be Gay Under The Mullahs
Click right here: Dr. Wafa Sultan
Dr. Wafa Sultan, speaks out against radical Islamist oppression on am al Jazeera television program.
Dr. Sultan places the blame for the ongoing slaughter of innocents squarely on the shoulders of those who practice radical Islam.


Robert Spencer
Click on this link to hear an interview of Salman Rushdie and Ibn Warraq at the 
New York Society for Ethical Culture in late October of this year.
I found it really interesting.

New York Society for Ethical Culture in late October of this year.
I found it really interesting.
Excellent set of resources! I'm going to link to this frequently.
There is one item I would add.
The following list of important questions was provided this morning by the brilliant vice president of Jihadwatch.org, Hugh Fitzgerald:
1. How much did you know about the war in Biafra as a response by the southern Christians to a "Jihad"?
2. How much do you discover about Muslim behavior in southern Thailand from NPR or from The New Duranty Times (NYT)or Bandar Beacon (Washington Post)?
3.What have you learned about the tenets of Islam over the past five years since the attack on the World Trade Center?
4. What television program has dared even once to discuss Muhammad as "uswa hasana, al-insan al-kamil", to explain his central role in the mental and emotional lives of Muslims, and to further mention, even once, Muhammad as a warrior who too part in 78 battles, 77 of them offensive?
5. What newspaper, magazine or for that matter the professional journals for those in up to their necks in the "Middle Eastern Studies Association:" (google "MESA Nostra" and "Jihad Watch" for more)have discussed, in detail, the life of Muhammad, and included his approval of the decapitation of the 6500-6900 bound prisoners of the Banu Qurayza; his pleasure in the murders of Abu Akaf and Asma bint Marwan; his attack on the inoffensive Jewish farmers of the Khay bar Oasis; his marriage to little Aisha at 6 - consumated at 9 ; his "treaty" with the Meccans at Hudaibiyya; and so much more.
5. On what television or radio program, in what publication intended for a mass audience, can a confused but worried and angry non-Muslim find out more about Islam, find out that central to the teachings and worldview of Islam, far stronger and fiercer than any other part of the doctrine, is that the world can be divided between Muslims and non-Muslims, Believers and Infidels, and it is the duty of the Believers to enlarge the Dar al-Islam at the expense of Dar al-Harb until the latter has been swallowed up entirely by the latter; that all loyalty is to be owed only to fellow members of the umma al-islamiyya; that unthinking submission, without further inquiry, is required to the Will of Allah as expressed in the Qur'an and properly glossed by the Hadith.
6. Where, at Fort Jackson or Fort Benning or Fort Bragg, are the instructors who teach the recruits and even the soldiers going off, again and again, to fight in a war that becomes a puzzlement and that demoralizes them, for they are not told about Islam, or told only about a few of the rituals (how they need to pray five times a day) or what are demurely described as "cultural attitudes" (i.e., how women are treated, how they may not wish you in their homes, how the mosque is ordinarily off-limits to non-Muslims) but are never given anything like the tenets of Islam, nor the attitudes that arise naturally from Islam, which if the soldiers knew about, would be invaluable in preparing them, in steeling them, for the dangers they are about to pass, and are passing, and would have created a cadre of several hundred thousand well-informed people who would comprehend Islam. Instead they are told nothing of value, and certainly not informed about the hostility toward Infidels, the practice of smiling taqiyya that means nothing, the ferocious aggression that Islam encourages (and that can be played out against Infidels, or against one another), the constant lying and manipulating that is a way of life for so many, the hysterical belief in a Past Greatness that is itself a figment of exaggeration, fed by generations of those who are too lazy to examine the actual contributors to what is called "High Islamic Civilization" (roughly 900-1100 A.D.) and what they actually did, and how that stacks up to what went on, has gone on, elsewhere in the world.
No, not the civilians, not the military, not the journalists (those fierce crusading journalists do not know what to do, will not touch, the subject of Islam), not anyone will intelligently, in the mass media or the in government, deal with Islam. Nobody. No, I meant to write -- Almost nobody.
Where in the Western world is there the steady, intelligent dissemination of this knowledge, which the threatened but insufficiently comprehending peoples of the West deserve and need to have if they are to properly defend themselves?
Posted by: Hugh December 3, 2006
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= \o/ = AnonYmouse
Once contemplating those important questions, seek out a variety of sources, like the excellent Jillosophy which provide endless alarming updates on the encroachment of jihad in all it's manifest forms.
Jihadwatch.org and it's sister site dhimmitwatch are excellent sources as well.
Following is an edited comment by Hugh Fitzgerald which further elucidates critical issues:
"Simply by presenting varied items of news, and laying bare, in the occasional accompanying commentary, the ways in which dhimmitude can be expressed, and furthermore, the ways in which Jihad remains the central, most persistent and significant aspect of Islam, one which has to be thoroughly understood and that understanding assimilated – given the failure of so many to undertake the most elementary study of Islam and of Muslim history themselves, content rather to mouth platitudes, if no longer about “peace” and “tolerance,” then new platitudes about the need for a “dialogue of civilizations” that is simply the old nonsense and apologetics in new garb.
Rather soon, repeated mention of scholars of dhimmitude becomes apparent, such as the pioneering Bat Ye’or, such articulate ex-Muslims as Ibn Warraq, about such websites as www.secularislam.org, and www.faithfreedom.org, and www.dhimmitude.org and www.nojihad.com. It is a good way to learn about Qur’an and Hadith and Sira, to find out what Taqiyya is and to be shown examples of such Taqiyya in practice. It is a good way to learn about Muhammad’s own behavior (the execution of the Bani Qurayza, the attack on the Khaybar Oasis, etc.), and about his significance, therefore, as the “perfect man” and permanent model to be emulated, through time and space.
It also becomes apparent that Jihad-conquest exists independently of any particular foreign policy or behavior. It exists independently of where Muslims live, or how much money they have, or how much education they have, or the degree of their exposure to the Western world. It exists independently of the degree of despotism they experience in the Muslim countries, or the degree of material and other success they find in the Infidel lands. For it is a matter of ideology – of what is contained in Qur’an, Hadith, and Sira, which is to say, the entire belief-system of Islam.
One learns about the many crushing burdens – economic, political, social – which, under the Sharia, are to be imposed on all dhimmis, a word which refers to those Infidels (chiefly Christians and Jews) who, though may be permitted to live, and not forced to immediately convert, are made subject to a regime of such enforced and permanent humiliation, degradation, and insecurity that vast areas of the Middle East and North Africa, once entirely populated by non-Muslims, have now become almost entirely Muslim. The same is true for large areas of black Africa, and in Asia – the numbers of Muslims rises, and the non-Muslims slowly, under oppression soft or hard, if not killed or exiled, decrease inexorably in numbers.
Why is it so important to understand dhimmitude? It is potentially the future for much of the Western world, beginning with Europe. One has to awaken first oneself, and then others, from this deep sleep of unreason. The canonical texts of Islam are fixed forever. They do not change. They are not subject to interpretation, for the “gates of ijtihad” (interpretation) closed a thousand years ago. The publicized efforts of some Bright Young Muslim Things who tell us that they can take care of all that, they’ll do all the necessary re-interpreting, merely prolong the complacence, and delay the right reckoning.
The United States, one is constantly reminded, is not the only Infidel target, but merely the most powerful and resolute among those targets. One is reminded that Christians and Jews are not the only non-Muslims who must be defeated and subjugated; worse fates are to be meted out, at least theoretically, to Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Confucians, and of course all atheists and agnostics." - edited from a comment by Hugh Fitzgerald
Take those most important questions provided by Hugh Fitzgerald and contemplate the repercussions of procrastination and ignorance.
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=\o/= AnonYmouse
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