It's the North American Union, stupid... Part 2

Posted: November 10, 20061:00 a.m. Eastern
By Jerome R. CorsiĀ© 2006
Truckers are being called on to boycott a decision by Indiana to lease a highway to foreign investment groups.
Truckers are being called on to boycott a decision by Indiana to lease a highway to foreign investment groups.
In an article on the OOIDA website, Spencer argues, "This is a way to send the message that as more and more roads are converted to toll roads the secondary highways get more and more of the traffic. If that's the life they want to live, they ought to be willing to embrace it right now."
Spencer told WND the OOIDA is strongly opposed to converting U.S. freeways to toll roads owned by foreign entities. The group's opposition includes the Trans-Texas Corridor, the four-football-field-wide NAFTA Superhighway parallel to Interstate-35 which Texas Gov. Rick Perry plans to begin next year.
"The Bush administration is bending over backwards to accommodate Mexican trucks coming into the United States," Spencer said. "The whole goal is to get the absolute lowest cost of transportation, without worrying about important safety and security issues using Mexican trucks and Mexican truck drivers creates."
Spencer believes one of those security issues is terrorism.
"Worldwide trucks are the weapons of choice of terrorists," he emphasized.
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